Friday, October 12, 2012

Monkey Orchid

Common name is Monkey Orchid, Hardy Calanthe Orchid. 
Botanical name is Calanthe tricarinate and Family is Orchidaceae (Orchid family).

It is called a Monkey Orchid because its flowers look like the face of a monkey.Its flowers have greenish yellow petals and one big brown petal with various markings. Monkey orchid is hard to find. It prefers woodland conditions, moistbut well drained soils . The foliage is evergreen in mild winters but may become decidious when temperatures approach 10 degree F.

The beautiful Monkey Orchid is extremely rare, beautiful and precious. It is found in Ecuador, South America - a true gift from nature and one that not only deserves our wonder but also our protection - help save rain forests and you help save the beautiful gifts of nature.

renukakkar 24.5.2012

Pink Lotus flower

Nelumbo nucifera is a pink lotus flower, also known as Indian lotus or Sacred lotus. The roots of Pink lotus are planted in the soil of the pond or river bottom, while the leaves float on top of the water surface. The flowers are usually found on thick stems rising several centimeters above the water.

The lotus flower can be found in Southern Asia, India and China, both in a literal sense and as a spiritual symbol. It is a perennial aquatic flower that grows through the shallow waters of a pond or swamp. The pink lotus is India's national flower, and can be seen poking through murky waters and displaying its beautiful dinner-plate-sized petals.

In Buddhism  the pink lotus is reserved for the highest of deities and is the earthly symbol of the Buddha. In Buddhism, the lotus's life is a symbolic representation of the evolution of the soul; the lotus springs from the muddy depths to rise through murky water and into the sunlight to become a beautiful flower. It represents the soul's journey from materialism through experience and into enlightenment.

In Hinduism the pink lotus in India is knows as the sacred lotus, and is depicted as the seat of the goddess of wealth and good fortune. The goddess Lakshmi sits upon this pink flower and is said to have been born of it. Similar to the Buddhist belief, the lotus in Hinduism represents non-attachment. Because the flower rises above the waters and is untouched by them, it is sacred. In Hinduism this is how a person should live, free of material ties.

      • The lotus often depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs is called the blue lotus. The blue lotus is actually a waterlily that grows on the banks of the Nile. Today the blue lotus is almost extinct. Fossils of the blue lotus were found scattered across Tutankhamen's body. The legend tells that the sun was actually born of the lotus because of its ability to imitate the stars rising and setting as the petals close and open with the day and night.

          Many varieties of lotus have been cultivated for culinary and 
        • medicinal uses throughout Asia, India and Egypt. Lotuses are used in cooking as they are a member of the pea family. The entire flower is edible, but the most common part of the plant used is the rhizomes, or roots, of the flower, which are sold and used as a vegetable. The seeds of the lotus plant are also used in medicine and food. They can be roasted and made into a paste for use in baking. It is said that the lotus roots, seeds and flowers are good for the heart, kidney and spleen.

    The rare Dalhia flower

     This is a rare and a very beautiful dahlia 'war of roses', whose origins have been lost centuries ago. It is unique in appearance. Most Dahlia experts have never heard of it, while for others it's a genetic conundrum that shouldn't really exist. 

    This plant has a mesmerizing origin. It is stated to be an originated from France in 1850's. Five brothers and sisters inherited a French Chateau after the death of their wealthy parents died. The siblings were not able to agree on who should occupy it. It thus remained empty,neglected and the once fabulous garden became an unkempt wilderness. Many of the precious ornamental plants became either overgrown or they died due to lack of proper care - except for one. A lone Dahlia which managed to survive and flourish amongst the boarders. Unfortunately the original French name appears to be unknown although it may sometimes be known as Dahlia 'York and Lancaster'. 

    It is tough, almost hardy in light soils. Standing approximately 2'6'' tall, it produces large amounts of 3" ball shaped flower heads each petal is curled up. It occassionally throw up a pure white flower which will always be followed by a brilliant white and carmine red bi-colour flower. 

    anyone should grab the first specimen they come across with both hands because the word 'rarity' is an understatement.

    Yakla Snow Lotus

    Yakla Snow Lotus is a rare perennial herb, found high in the Himalayas, at an altitude of 3500-4300m. It is probably named after the Yakla Pass in Sikkim, India. Its Botanical name is 'Himalaiella yakla' and it belongs to the family Asteraceae ( Sunflower family). Its Synonym is Saussurea yakla.
    Yakla Snow Lotus is a beautiful perennial stemless plant. The leaves of the plant form a rosette on the ground. The leaves are broadly elliptic-obovate (inverted egg shaped), green, smooth and shining. The central rib of the leaves is prominently visible. Flowers are deep purple, in a solitary central flower-head.  The flower-head is surrounded by a ring of rosette of purplish bracts, again horizontal. The whole plant has a very symmetric and pretty appearance. 
    The flowers form in a dense head of small capitula often surrounded by dense purple woolly hairs; the individual florets are also purple. The dense purple wool is densest in the high altitude species, and aid in thermo regulation of the flowers, minimizing frost damage at night, and also preventing ultraviolet light damage from the intense high altitude sunlight.
    In most Chinese martial arts literature, the snow Lotus was classified a rare herb as precious as lingzhi mushroom, and old ginseng.
    Saussurea is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants from the family Asteraceae, native to cool temperate and arctic regions of Asia, Europe and North America, with the highest diversity in alpine habitats in the Himalaya and Central Asia. Common names include saw-wort and snow lotus, the latter used for a number of high altitude species in central Asia.They are perennial herbaceous plants, ranging in height from dwarf alpine species 5–10 cm tall, to tall thistle-like plants up to 3 m tall. The leaves are produced in a dense basal rosette, and then spirally up the flowering stem. 
    De Candolle named the genus after Nicolas Theodore de Saussure (1767–1845).
    A number of the high alpine Himalayan species are grown as ornamental plants for their decorative dense woolly flower heads; they are among the most challenging plants to grow, being adapted to harsh climates from 3500–5000 m altitude, demanding cool temperatures, a very long (up to 8–10 months) winter rest period, and very good soil drainage in humus-rich gravel soils.

    Traditional uses
    Costi amari radix or costus root was an important item of Roman trade with India, and is believed to have been the dried root of Saussurea lappa. Saussurea lappa is used a component of the traditional Tibetan medicine Padma 28. Research conducted on the Himalayan medicinal plants by C.P. Kala reveals that the practitioners of Tibetan medicine living in the Pin Valley of Himachal Pradesh use its root for curing dysentery and ulcer . Saussurea involicrata flowers and stems have long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cough with cold, stomachache, dysmenirrhea, and altitude sickness, and has been found to have anti inflammatory, cardio tonic, abortifacient, anticancer, and anti fatigue actions. Saussurea obvallata, known as 'brahmakamala' in India is one of the most sacred species, and it has been used for offerings to goddess Nanda Devi for time immemorial..
    Pharmacology Saussurea lappa and has been shown to inhibit the mRNA expression of iNOS by lipopolysaccharide stimulated macrophages, thus reducing nitric oxide production. In rats, high doses of 50-200 milligrams per kilogram of crude ethanolic extract reduced observed inflammation in standard laboratory tests, and 25-100 milligrams per kilogram of the sesquiterpene fraction of the extract reduced several molecular markers of inflammation.Ethanol extracts were shown to have analgesic and antiinflammatory effects at high doses of 75-300 milligrams per kilogram. As the slow-growing wild plant is endangered by collections, a substitute grown in tissue culture has been suggested, which is mostly equivalent. Generally the analgesic and anti inflammatory effects of the plant are much inferior to those of 10 milligrams of indomethacin.

    Rare Green Roses

    Green roses are an unusual and exotic flower. Many people have
    interest in these, especially around St. Patrick's Day! They can be
    produced in one of two ways. They can be dyed, which is done to
    get a deep green color. However, certain roses, when planted
    and tended right, can produce a green tint in the right circumstances. 
    They can be tough roses to establish and they tend to grow spindly.
    It's probably not a great task for the beginning gardener. If you can'
    get them to thrive they would be a great talking piece for your garden
    for sure!
    Here are some of the major varieties:
    Green Rose
    Also called the Rosa chinensis viridiflora, this is probably the most
    popular type, or at least the oldest one on record. It is very unusual.
    It does not have petals! Rather, instead of blossoms there are sepals
    that are green tinted.
    The history on this rose is a little vague. It was reported to have been
    bred around 1743 but not fully revealed until 1856. It was originally
    bred in the United Kingdom.
    Unfortunately, it does not fair well in cold climates and its rated from
    zones 6 to 10. However, it is relatively disease resistant.
    Green Diamond

    'Green Diamond' rose photo

    This is a miniature. Many gardeners report that it is a good bloomer
    and will often repeat throughout the season. It gets its best green
    tint in a shady spot.
    Green Ice
    This is actually a miniature white rose but, under the right
    circumstances in a nice shady spot, can bloom with a soft 
    green tint. Planting them in a sunny spot will result in a more
    common white color.
    Another breed from the UK, its a small floribunda (under 3 feet) 
    with clustered blooms. You will see white and an occasional
     green tinted flower. It is nearly scentless but does bloom
    Some other types include the Green Planet, St. Patrick, Jade, and Lime
    Sublime roses.
     Source: various sites and own experience