Friday, October 12, 2012

Rare Green Roses

Green roses are an unusual and exotic flower. Many people have
interest in these, especially around St. Patrick's Day! They can be
produced in one of two ways. They can be dyed, which is done to
get a deep green color. However, certain roses, when planted
and tended right, can produce a green tint in the right circumstances. 
They can be tough roses to establish and they tend to grow spindly.
It's probably not a great task for the beginning gardener. If you can'
get them to thrive they would be a great talking piece for your garden
for sure!
Here are some of the major varieties:
Green Rose
Also called the Rosa chinensis viridiflora, this is probably the most
popular type, or at least the oldest one on record. It is very unusual.
It does not have petals! Rather, instead of blossoms there are sepals
that are green tinted.
The history on this rose is a little vague. It was reported to have been
bred around 1743 but not fully revealed until 1856. It was originally
bred in the United Kingdom.
Unfortunately, it does not fair well in cold climates and its rated from
zones 6 to 10. However, it is relatively disease resistant.
Green Diamond

'Green Diamond' rose photo

This is a miniature. Many gardeners report that it is a good bloomer
and will often repeat throughout the season. It gets its best green
tint in a shady spot.
Green Ice
This is actually a miniature white rose but, under the right
circumstances in a nice shady spot, can bloom with a soft 
green tint. Planting them in a sunny spot will result in a more
common white color.
Another breed from the UK, its a small floribunda (under 3 feet) 
with clustered blooms. You will see white and an occasional
 green tinted flower. It is nearly scentless but does bloom
Some other types include the Green Planet, St. Patrick, Jade, and Lime
Sublime roses.
 Source: various sites and own experience

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